Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hair - An Architectural Approach

Just polished up a poster for another fine community play. This was written and is being directed by my good friend and neighbor, Christy Webb.

She and her husband, Joe, basically fund local theater out of their own pockets. It's the stuff of greatness.

With time at a premium this week, I opted for the simple graphic collage, creating the tower shape in Illustrator and using it to create a mask over an image of human hair.

From what I understand, Rapunzel is a bit of a beast in this rendition, so to drive a sense of instability to the art, I kept the orientation of the art vertical and created a tower that is almost minaret-like, proportionally. A tilt to the left suggests that gravity will win the battle against medieval architecture. It represents the tenuous nature of Rapunzel's condition; that not only will the damsel ultimately escape, but her contrived world, her relationships and status, unlike the background texture, are not concrete.