Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sharks Walking Around the Studio

I had a request to create a character for a local martial arts studio. Among other programs, there is a decently sized group of guys that train in mixed martial arts, or MMA. The owner was looking for an anthropomorphized shark with MMA gloves and some board shorts. I had an enjoyable challenge and was pleased with the direction I had chosen. Here are two sketches that were part of the development process.

(Earlier, I vented about client direction that I disagreed with. I elected to remove that portion of the post, and I'll try to be more positive in the future!)


Paul Hamblin said...

This is awesome! I really like the sketch. How cool is it that you do that for a living.

Ethan said...

Sadly, that story is one that is repeated over and over again in any walk of life and in any profession. At least he is the one who has to live with his bad idea and you get to live with his money. Besides, I am sure the preliminary sketches now leave you with more to work off of for future personal projects. It really is some great work that you did for his first idea.