Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Figure Sketches - Card's Cadre

I love drawing. I love looking at drawings. When I eat an egg burrito in the morning, I salt it with drawings.

Royden Card, a painter local to Southern Utah, has been facilitating figure workshops on the weekends for a few years now. Peter Stempel has been generous to allow "Card's Cadre" the use of his Hurricane, UT architecture design office (just across the street from my studio) on the weekends, but his business model didn't really require him to renew the lease recently. I suggested to Royden that my 1000 feet of largely unused concrete floor could serve a higher purpose, and here we are.

I'm attaching some shots of sketches I've done. It feels good to put pencil to paper again, especially after such a long hiatus. The colored pencil sketch was done in church. It's one of my only ways to stay awake in Sunday meetings!

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